“BREWZER” | Framed Original Brown Lab Pet Memorial Portrait Painting
$625.00 / Sold out
Acrylic on panel
11" x 14" frame, customized (by his niece) mat board, w/ 8" x 10" window
As challenging as memorial pieces can be—especially with as many that seem to cross my path—I am grateful and happy to present this painting.
As the title suggests, this is Brewzer; my partner's father's pup. Unfortunately his exuberance got the better of him and late last summer he was found trampled near-to-death... Moose? Elk? Cow? Vehicle? No one knows... He did not make it.
Regardless, for about three years, he was by this family's side. A true companion on the job, at barbecuesーhell, even just for a quick trip to the post office. Every time I saw this dog he would stumble-run up just to give me a big bear-dog-tackle-hug, despite his giant paws and even more giant body.
For you, Brewz. For you, Don.
Rest in power, big guy.
Would you like to get started on a memorial (or otherwise) portrait? Please feel free to email me directly at [email protected]—thank you all!